
  • Hours of Work 116:00
  • Date 9 months ago
  • Status Active
  • Platform web
  • Tech / Frameworks Laravel HTML Tailwind

SWP Money Transfer, headquartered in Switzerland, operates as a money exchange company. We've developed a comprehensive management solution tailored for both the company and its agents, enabling them to efficiently track transactions and manage customers effectively.

This system empowers company owners to monitor every aspect of their business activities closely. Through role-based access panels, agents gain secure access to their personalized portals, where they can view transactions, payments, and more.

Customer data is meticulously organized using a carefully designed database structure, facilitating easy filtering, analytics, and reporting functionalities. This ensures optimal business optimization and decision-making processes.



  • User Authentication with Role managment
  • Transaction History
  • Recipient Management
  • Currency Conversion
  • Transaction Tracking
  • Fee Calculation
  • Security Measures
  • Mobile Accessibility
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Agency Panel with agent Role management
  • Money Transfer receipt print
  • Sender document managment
  • Sender address and location management
  • Balance report for agent and owner
  • Income Sources management
  • Cities and countries management
  • Identification / Document type managment
  • Advance commission managment
  • Payment method management
  • Money Transfer Purpose management
  • Sender and Receiver releationship management


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