
  • Hours of Work 232:19
  • Date 2 years ago
  • Status Canceled
  • Platform Web
  • Tech / Frameworks Angular 16 Laravel 10 SASS CSS Bootstrap 5

Transport service in France



  • Taxi booking service
  • Fleet Booking system with different packages
  • Dynamic pricing system
  • Admin panel for management
  • Destination based pricing system
  • Luggages & Pricing based on Luggages
  • Popular Destination files with more specific details
  • Articles and SEO Optimizaztion
  • Testimonials Details
  • Invoice generation with Tax Calculation
  • Contact form with email support
  • Dynamic pricing table for destination
  • Payment Gateway Intergration with Stripe
  • Round Trip / Two way Trip mangement
  • Flights Details
  • Driver pickup Details
  • Special Pricing Discount Start or End Destination and Rollback standard pricing


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