Cash on delivery (COD)
Customers can order the goods from your website by filling required details and then pay you when the order is delivered. It is more convenient for those who have their delivery partners or delivery boys.
- No setup fees
- No commissions
But unfortunately, you may get more fake orders.
Card on Delivery
Customers request to bring the POS terminals. So the delivery partners or delivery boys make the payment once the order is delivered.
Via Online Payment Gateways
In Sri Lanka, we work with PayHere.
PayHere supports some payment methods which are good for Sri Lankan customers. Meaning beyond the normal card payments,
they also have mobile wallets payments like Genie, Frimi, eZcash, mCash.
If you are interested in the E-commerce business, you can follow us for more details.
Just have a look at our customers who run a successful business with us.
Also, we make mobile applications with Flutter. Have a look at our Play store and App store to get more ideas.