Laravel as a full stack Development Framework.

Laravel as a full stack Development Framework.

Laravel as a full stack Development Framework.

Laravel is a free, open source awesome PHP framework for the web artisans. It  allows creating a dynamic website using it within a shorter period of time.It gives more User Experience in the apps we develop.

Laravel as a full stack framework provides more convenient features. The Object Relation Model is one of the best facilities. No need for other complex frameworks like Angular. To some extent, to develop single page application developers use Vue Js components to the front end. But , in pure laravel can develop the dynamic super web application.

To have laravel, as a developer should have Composer , it handles the laravel packages and other supportive dependencies. But in some other packages like, to use the bootstrap framework , we need a node package manager. 

Laravel has so many packages that we can use in our development time. Instead of developing all from scratch, it is more convenient to use packages for the front end view or for the backend. So I can develop the application quickly.

Like other front end frameworks, laravel also has components so no need to repeat the code yourself. So the size of the application will reduce and the application will be quick.


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